Rewards Catalog
We offer a wide range of rewards to suit your needs
Payout cards
Versatile reward options for cash withdrawals, online purchases, and bill payments.
Gift cards
Global catalog with 5,000+ premium brands, 12+ categories, and multiple currencies and denominations.
Product vouchers
Over 200 product vouchers across different categories, including electronics, fashion, travel, and more.
Access to unique and memorable experiences, such as concert tickets, spa days, and travel packages
Gift boxes
Curated gift boxes for various occasions and needs, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.
Customized benefits
Company merchandise, leaves, lunch with CEO, car lease, and airport lounge access.
Rewards Catalog across 100+ countries
Payout cards
Payout cards are a versatile and user-friendly solution that caters to diverse needs. They provide recipients with the flexibility to utilize their rewards as they see fit, whether it's for cash withdrawals, online shopping sprees, or settling bills. This adaptability ensures that rewards align with the unique preferences and requirements of individuals, making them a powerful tool for incentivizing and acknowledging achievements.
Product Vouchers
Our wide-ranging array of product vouchers covers over 200 options in various categories, including electronics, fashion, travel, and more. These vouchers provide recipients with the opportunity to indulge in their preferred products and experiences, making them an ideal choice for acknowledging achievements and milestones with personalized rewards.
Gift boxes
Our thoughtfully curated gift boxes are designed for special occasions and personal needs. Whether it's for birthdays, anniversaries, or festive holidays, these gift boxes contain a delightful assortment of items, adding an extra layer of joy and meaning to recognition and rewards.
Gift cards
Our extensive collection of gift cards opens the doors to a world of possibilities. With over 5,000 premium brands to choose from, spanning across 12+ categories and available in multiple currencies and denominations, gift cards are a perfect way to express appreciation. These gift cards empower recipients to select the perfect token of their choice, ensuring that recognition is both meaningful and memorable.
Meaningful Experiences
Experiences are the essence of unforgettable moments. Our offerings grant access to unique and memorable experiences, such as concert tickets, rejuvenating spa days, and enticing travel packages. These experiences go beyond the ordinary, making them a captivating way to celebrate accomplishments and create lasting memories.
Customized benefits
Customized benefits offer a world of exclusive rewards tailored to individual preferences. From company merchandise to special privileges like lunch with the CEO, car lease options, and access to premium airport lounges, these benefits are crafted to make recipients feel truly valued, enhancing their connection to the organization and reinforcing a sense of belonging.